10 Ways to End your Stress-Induced Overeating

How to Understand the Cycle of Stress Eating
One might think that stress eating is a battle he would never win. After such kinds of days when things at work don’t go well or you get overwhelmed by house chores, emotional eating follows guilt and this cycle may happen again next time. If this happens to you, just know that you are not alone. Research shows that during stressful situations, hormonal imbalances in your body can increase your appetite for sugary foods and carbohydrates. However, here is finally something good; some ways can be followed to stop stress eating.
Factors Contributing to Stress Eating
The body releases a hormone called cortisol when it is under tension preparing it for fight-or-flight response according to Healthline (source). Higher levels of cortisol have been associated with increased appetite and cravings for calorie-dense foods as stated by Healthline (source). In the long run, this however becomes a learned routine where eating happens each time an individual gets stressed.
Alternatively, this type of emotional overeating could originate from comfort seeking behaviors. For some people food acts either as an outlet or reinforcement in times of difficulty. Understanding these patterns will help you regain control and switch towards healthier options.
How to Stop Stress Eating
Take notice of triggers such as work deadlines, quarrels, or tiredness. You can use a diary to record your observations and prepare for an alternative coping mechanism.
Try the HALT method: Ask yourself if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. If it isn’t hunger, there are other ways of dealing with the feeling – calling a friend, going for a walk etc. High protein and fiber meals stabilize blood sugar levels which in turn minimize emotional highs resulting in cravings. Therefore include whole foods like quinoa, chicken and green leafy vegetables into your diet.
Instead of stress-eating try substituting healthier rituals such as journaling or meditation or even taking a bath. These activities still the mind without adding calories. Sometimes thirst is misunderstand as hunger so before eating anything have a glass of water.
Think about setting up a stress-management toolbox that may contain breathing exercises, stretching routines, calming music playlists among others. Thus having these alternatives at hand reduces the temptation of resorting to food.
In addition structured meal planning aids in curbing impulsive and emotional eating habits. Prepare your meals in advance so that you don’t grab unhealthy snacks from time to time. Meal and snack portions help control quantity thus ensuring healthier options are always around you.
Staying on the Road
However, PlateJoy apps simplify healthy feeding by providing personalized meal plans suitable for your lifestyle.
Individualized advice from therapists and dieticians can offer you specific suggestions on how to reframe emotional triggers and build better coping mechanisms. For more information, check out the Mayo Clinic on stress management.
It is good to have a support group where people can share their experiences with these kind of issues either online or offline Stating your truths to others who had gone through a similar situation makes it more real.
A Better Way To Approach Food
There are other things that you may do instead of eating when you are stressed. You can make small changes that will help break the cycle. Every little step counts towards having a healthier relationship with food.” You’ve made progress; so now focus on your dieting plan, while leaning back on some friends and literature as helping tools.
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